ACO Type 3116/3116A Vibration Meter

  • ・TYPE3116:

About the product

・super mine-size like a cellular phone.
・It offers, just like a “machinery doctor”, high precision monitoring of various industrial machinery by using the optional headphone or auscultation stick.

Product Specifications


Measurement range Acceleration(ACC) 0.02~200m/s² RMS
Velocity(VEL) 0.02~200mm/s RMS
Displacement(DISP) 2~2000μm EQp-p
Frequency range Acceleration(ACC) 3Hz~10kHz
Velocity(VEL) 10Hz~1kHz(Compliant with JIS B0907-1989)
Displacement(DISP) 10Hz~300Hz
Measurement range Acceleration(ACC) 20, 200m/s² RMS
Velocity(VEL) 20, 200mm/s RMS
Displacement(DISP) 200, 2000μm EQp-p
Display characteristics Acceleration(ACC) RMS, EQ Peak, Peak
Velocity(VEL) RMS, EQ Peak, Peak
Displacement(DISP) RMS, EQ Peak, EQp-p, Peak
EQ Peak=RMS×√2,EQp-p=EQ Peak×2
Dynamic characteristic (Time constant) RMS, EQ Peak, EQp-p;1s
Liquid crystal display Display LCD with backlight 128×64 dot
Hold Data hold
Digital display 4digets, Display Period;1s or 2s (selectable)
(Average of 10 data at 100ms, 1s or 20 data at 100ms, 2s)
Bar – graph 0~100%
Warning(Overload) [Over] is displayed for full scale
Battery 4-level residual display
Data memory Max.256, 4kB
Output Terminal AC on a Menu screen/Portable Headphone Change selection
AC Output Output Voltage;1Vrms(FS)
Load resistance;more than 100kΩ
Headphone Output Vibration sound monitor by exclusive Portable Headphone With Volume function
Display precision ±5%
I/O Terminal Data output for PC and Direct output to printer
Interface RS-232C
Operating Temperature Range Temperature;-10~+50℃
Humidity;30%~90%(no condensing)
Battery Type and Life 2 Alkaline dry cells type LR03 Approx.12 hours or AC adapter
Size and Weight 145(H)×48(W)×23.5(D) Approx.130g(Include Batteries)


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